
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Gear Changes in Your Acting
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Air Date: 2/17/2022
Gear Changes in your acting
When you drive a stick shift car (do we still have those?), there is a sequence that has to be completed when you go from 1st gear to second. Push the clutch down, shift the stick, release the clutch, and add gas simultaneously. There is a similar process that is often overlooked when you are acting. Let’s talk about the gear changes you can use when playing a part. Weather it’s for an audition for film and tv or stage, gear changes can really drive the character…see what I did just there? Find out more on this episode of Casting Actors Cast!

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
You Got A Callback, Now What?
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Air Date: 2/10/2022
You Got a Callback, Now What?
It is really exciting when you get an audition appointment as an actor. It validates you in many ways; acknowledgement about your talent for one. Next, the excitement grows when you get the callback! It can represent a potential booking, advancement of your career, an opportunity to perform. What could be better! Sometimes, however, the callback can be terrifying. As you get closer to your callback, you put yourself under even more pressure to succeed. Yikes! Finding a professional approach to the callback is the answer. Casting Actors Cast to the rescue. This is the episode you’ve been asking for….

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
The Elephant in the Room
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Air Date: 2/3/2022
The Elephant in the Room
We have shared hundreds of podios (podcast videos) on how to have a successful acting career. We’ve talked about acting techniques, business practices, creative mindsets, even how to self-tape your auditions. Yet, there is an elephant in the room. Something large and imposing that needs to be dealt with. Just like an elephant, it’s not scary but rather it’s very existence can influence an affect us in big ways we never thought possible. How’s that for a tease? Please find out what the elephant in the room is all about, on this episode of Casting Actors Cast, the podcast for actors.

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
What’s My Motivation?
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Air Date: 1/27/2022
“What’s My Motivation?”
The story goes something like this. The actor, frustrated that they are not how a moment in a scene should be played, asks the director, “So what’s my motivation?”, to which, the director replies, “Your paycheck!”. Making a decision about how to motivate yourself in an acting career is no different. If you decide to always question your choices, then you just might find yourself stuck with no forward movement. Sometimes the best choices are ones that do not require conditions attached but ones that just make sense for you in the moment. Motivation, in a scene or in your career, let’s find out how to make the best choices. All happening in this episode of Casting Actors Cast.

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Self Tape Review! Richard Sacher
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Air Date: 1/20/2022
Self-Tape Review: Richard Sacher
It’s time for another Self Tape evaluation! If you’ve been listening or watching the podios for any amount of time, you know that giving honest feedback about your video submissions is really making an impact. What’s even more exciting is when the actor writes back to say that their updated audition actually booked them a job! Sometimes making small technical adjustments or getting feedback with an acting note can make all the difference. Today, we will look at Mr. Richard Sacker’s audition video. Who knows, you might take away some nugget that will re-shape your auditions and get you into the next best thing! This is Casting Actors Cast, Insights for actors from a casting director!

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
You Ask, Jeffrey Answers
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Air Date: 1/13/2022
The success of these podcasts and video’s (or podios) is partly based on the questions you have asked. Either from direct contact or from classes, workshops or just from curious folks wanting to understand how it works. The other part of this podcast’s success story are the personal experiences that I have had in finding out what it is to be in the business of show. That said, whenever you ask a question, there is an overwhelming need to find you the answer. Today’s podcast/video is all about sharing the best answers for you. You ask, Jeffrey Answers on this episode of Casting Actors Cast.

Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Are YOU Open for Business?
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Air Date: 1/6/2022
Open for Business
Everyone seems to have a “New Year’s” resolution. From podcasts to TV news shows, they are either reflecting on how awful last year was or pushing things to look forward to for next year. We usually decide that this is a way of putting to bed the past and finding hope for the future. This is also an opportunity to set goals for ourselves. It can be personal objectives like losing weight or being a kinder person or the goals can be the “business/career” declaration. “I will be more successful” can sometimes be heard from actors during New Year’s Eve celebrations. Are you one of those? Well, it is not a bad thing to set goals. It might be more productive, though, to reframe the resolution into a practical question. Here’s one. “Are You Open for Business?” Simple questions are sometimes worth investigating. Like on this episode of, Casting Actors Cast”

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
How To-Audition Reader!
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Air Date: 12/30/2021
How To: Audition Reader
If you’re like me, you’ve probably decided not to reflect over the past two years to assess your acting progress. There have been just too many sidelines and shifts, let alone think about how you are going to move your career forward. Jeff’s got a great idea that will help you with your auditions and take you from, “Am I Ready for what’s next? To “Alright, What’s Next”. He’ll explain how being a reader for auditions can change your outlook and your career on this episode of Casting Actors Cast, the podcast for actors from a casting director.

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Acting Career Warnings-5 Tips
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Acting Career Warnings-5 Tips to Watch
A fan of Casting Actors Cast sent in a voice question to the website that got me thinking. There are some dangerous pitfalls and missteps in show business that can really damage a career. What’s worse, is that as new talent comes into the business the pattern is repeated. There is no intention to scare you in this episode, but rather, shine the light of awareness so you can navigate your career more effectively. This episode is all about the dangers, rip-offs, and bad choices that can happen to you, the actor, on this episode of Casting Actors Cast.

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Flipping The Script
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Flipping the Script
One technique that I love to use in class is asking the actor in a scene to play the other part. What usually happens is that the actor has no time to think about their choices and jumps in to accomplish the task. The result? The Scene comes alive, is truthful, real, and conversational. On this episode of Casting, Actors Cast. Let's flip the script and find out more about playing the other part whether It’s for acting or for your acting life. This is one episode you are not going to want to miss!

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Does Your Training Schools‘ Reputation Matter?
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Does Your Training Schools' Reputation Matter?
In response to a listener’s question, Jeffrey takes on the pros and cons of a training schools' reputation as a measure of the actor’s ability and talent. Is there really a preference to hire an actor from Juilliard over an actor who went to, let’s say, Wayne State University? How about specialty training studios verses college training? What are the realities of how where you went to school can influences your career path, or not? Find out what really matters on this episode of Casting Actors Cast, the podcast and video from a casting director.

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Let‘s Evaluate Another Self Tape
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Let’s Evaluate Your Self-Tape: Michael Michele!
The response from my reviews on your self-tapes has been amazing. People from all over the world are taking the time to write how much they get out of these critiques! OK, well, let’s do another one. We are going to look at yet another self-tape submission and find out exactly what it takes to create a successful audition. On this episode of Casting Actors Cast, the podcast and video for actors.

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Practice Gratitude
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Air Date: 11/25/2021
Practice Gratitude
No one ever told you that being an actor was easy. In fact, for many of you, I am sure you were
told just the opposite. Being an actor is hard, the odds are against you, too much competition,
you’ll never make it. What’s worse is that we let those past voices stay in our head, affecting
out thinking and our choices. What is up with that? The way to push through that noise is a
simple technique that has helped me as an actor and now as a casting director. OK, I know it
might sound cheesy but really, it works. Today’s episode is all about pushing past the noise and
practice gratitude. How do you do that? You might ask? Stick around and find out on this
special gratitude episode of Casting Actors Cast.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Learning Your Words
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Air Date: 11/18/2021
Learning Your Words
As a young actor, I never really had a problem remembering my words. My brain
naturally made connections with the script that felt effortless and usually just made sense. It
wasn’t until later that I realized I needed to put more effort into the process. Today, actors are
challenged because with the new self-tape and Zoom auditions, it makes sense to memorize
the scene rather than rely on cue cards, cheat sheets or strategically placed pdf’s on the
monitor. I will share my experience and give you some solid tips on how to learn the words or
not! On this episode of Casting Actors Cast, advice to you, the actor from a working casting

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Sound Advice
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Air Date: 11/11/2021
Sound Advice
After watching hundreds and hundreds of self-submit videos or self tape auditions, I have concluded that the most important thing about your self-tapes. Is the ability to be heard. Sound is probably the most important element to delivering a good audition. Sure, it's great to be seen but to be seen and not heard? well, that is the issue. On today's episode of Casting Actors cast, let's dive deep into making sound choices with your sound. Don't forget to check us out on YouTube and please leave a review if you likes this episode. Thanks!

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Your Stinking Thinking
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Air Date: 11/4/2021
Your Stinking Thinking
When was the last time? You did something nice just for you? Really. Something that didn't require another person place or thing? When was the last time you felt good about your talent? When was the last time you felt you were on the right career track? For many of us, our pattern of thinking is often negative. That's what I call “stinking thinking”. Yes, I know, I love alliteration. The thoughts you have can be especially hurtful and damaging during this challenging time. I know, hearing the phrase “challenging time” makes us want to roll our eyes. But let's just take a moment and look at how we can address our stinking thinking so that it can turn into positive perceptions, on today's episode of Casting Actors Cast.

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Booking Actors For Films
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Air Date: 10/28/2021
Booking Actors for Films
So, you want to act in a movie? That's great. It's also exciting. Do you know what the casting steps are? Do you know exactly what happens for you to get booked in that movie? Rather than discussing the steps you need to take, I am going to share with you the process of casting talent in movies. By the end of this episode, you will have insight and understanding that could possibly change your approach to your movie career. On this important episode of Casting, Actors Cast.

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Diving Into the Talent Pool Q & A
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Diving Into Talent Pool Questions and Comments
One of the great things about being a casting director with a podcast is that I get to talk directly to you and answer questions that I receive every week. Do you know what to do after an audition? Do you know how to list background work on your resume? Do you have an audition story that you need to make sense of? This will be answered along with your other questions and comments on this episode of Casting Actors Cast.

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Actor Video Review
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Actor Video Review-YIQINGZHAO
Jeffrey evaluates another self-submit video audition. This time it is actress YIQINGZHAO with a comic scene. By continuing to perfect your self-taping from a technical and from n acting point of view, you are setting yourself up for success. The more you are comfortable in this environment, the better the overall effect. That means your confidence will grow and that means you will find more frequent success with your acting submissions! Here are some items discussed with today’s submission:
- Holding a paper or card slate? Does this work?
- How is the sound?
- How does the reader’s voice compare to yours?
- Camera Frame is important
- Is your slate friendly? Don’t miss an opportunity to show more of you.
- Is your clothing distracting?
- Prior action (beat) might be helpful
- Do you use gear changes? (pitch pace pause)
- You did not exit fully off screen…GREAT!
- Are you re-acting to the other character in the scene?
- Is there a better exit beat?
Let me know what you think! Join in the fun at castingactorscast.com or email Jeffrey at mailto:castingactorscast@gmail.com

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
The Cost Factor
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
The Cost Factor
Everything has a cost factor. Every choice, decision, contribution, or process will always come with some measure of payment. It can be time, energy, or actual material payments but it will always need to be paid. For actors, the cost factor can be difficult to calculate. Our desire for creative success often comes with unanticipated costs. On today’s episode; the cost factor. Things you can do to avoid those decisions that ask more of you than you can spare.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Breaking Down A Breakdown
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Breaking Down a Breakdown
I've seen this happen a lot. Many times, actors will see a job listing and get so excited because they think it is perfect for them. The question becomes, is it really right for you? Does the breakdown itself hold keys for discovering whether you are right for the gig? Let's take a look at a breakdown and not have a breakdown. In this episode of casting actors cast, I will show you exactly how to know when you are right for the right acting job.

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Making the Most Out of Every Opportunity
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Making the Most Out of Every Opportunity
This episode is all about how we process our daily lives and how we can look at the bigger picture to maintain our career objectives. Making the most out of every opportunity a great rule of thumb. Jeffrey shares his most recent experience with a college class of young actors in training and how they missed the boat when an opportunity presented itself. Learn how you can have the healthiest perspective and ability to make space for your acting career despite everything you are dealing with. All in this episode of casting actors cast.

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Should I Join the Union(s)?
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
I get this question all the time. It is especially prevalent with actors’ equity association (AEA) as well as SAG-AFTRA, The performers union for film, television, and recorded media. There are many variables for an actor to consider when joining the union. Not only about it being a good decision for your career, but is it the right time for you to join? To be sure, it is an investment. It is a financial burden but that preclude her from finding non-union meaningful full employment. Let's take a look at the pros and cons that you need to consider when pursuing your dreams as an actor or actress.

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Self-Tape Evaluate: Kristyn Koczur
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
In this episode, Jeffrey will provide a comprehensive evaluation of actress, Kristy Koczur's audition as Renfield from Count Dracula. Both technical and acting elements will be critiqued by Jeffrey, providing you with important information to consider for your own submissions. C'mon in and join the growing community of actors who love to learn and grow! Find out more at www.castingactorscast.com or the YouTube channel so you can watch all the episodes!

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Off The Top of My Head
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Off The Top of My Head
This episode is a bit of a departure from past shows. Jeffrey takes off his casting hat to talk a little more personally about what we’ve going through. With COVID variants and concerns about the future, it’s no wonder that we question our choices. Not only that but trying to figure out how to hold on to an acting career is truly frustrating. Jeff offers some advice and positive encouragement about where we are now and what we can do about our future acting plans. Finally, Jeff talks about his own struggles with a personal family matter that proves we are all on a similar journey. Please consider sharing this episode and, perhaps, write a review, show support to this growing community of actors!

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Feeling Nervous? Everything You Need to Know
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Feeling Nervous? Everything You Need to Know
Some call it stage fright. Some call it the jitters. Some actors are incapacitated because of their nervousness while others are resolved to live with their anxiety or discomfort. In this episode, we're going to talk about what causes nervousness and offer solutions so that you can be your best acting self. All happening right now.
This is Casting Actors Cast, the podcast and video for actors from a casting director.

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Agent or Manager? What’s The Big Deal?
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Agent or Manager? What’s The Big Deal?
In last week's episode with questions and answers, several questions revolved around getting an agent or manager or none of the above. Now, I’ve done many podios on how to get a representative but not with these questions; Do you need an agent? Do you need a manager? Do you need a representative at all? What’s the big deal? we'll dive into this important subject and by the end of today's episode you will be able to decide the best choice for your career in this is episode of Casting Actors Cast.

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Questions and Comments for Jeff
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
The title says it all. This episode is all about your latest questions and comments over the past several weeks. Questions about trends, tips (not what you think) and getting started on the business from a 17 year old in Jamaca! Plus a bonus segment featuring Itune reviews for Jeff!
C'mon in...the water is fine!

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Actors Who Watch Themselves Act
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Actors Who Watch Themselves Act
There is an insidious self-sabotage trait I see taking place with actors. Many
talented folks don’t even know they’re doing it. What’s worse, is that when they
are informed about this habitual activity, frustration abounds as it becomes
seemingly impossible to fix. Help your acting become fresh, spontaneous, and full
of possibilities. What am I talking about? I’m talking about your third eye. Why do
you watch yourself act is the question? In this episode of Casting Actors Cast, we
are going to explain what it really is and how to fix it!

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
5 Tips to Nail Your Next Audition
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
5 Tips to Nail your Next Audition
Whenever I teach an audition workshop, I usually start the session by asking, “What are your issues with your audition?” The answers are as varied as the actors I teach. They range from, “I get nervous” to, “I just want to book the job.” It's no wonder that many actors find auditions nerve wracking, uncomfortable, and sometimes just a waste of time. Having been an actor and now as a casting director, I can share some thoughts about your next audition. I often see the same behavior taking place now as it did when I was acting. Let's look at the five tips I have for nailing your next audition.